Acidic Granular NP fertilizer

Acidic Granular NP fertilizer

  • The product occurs as grey granules, with a bulk density around 1.2. and has got vantages as the following:
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Acidic Granular NP fertilizer

AGNP 10 - 40 - 0

Molecular Formula        N/A

Molecular Weight          N/A

CAS Number                  N/A

Standard Followed         Q/JMHG002-2022


The product occurs as grey granules, with a bulk density around 1.2. and has got vantages as the following:     

Good disintegration:  When meet water, AGNP disintegrate rapidly, so the nutrient s can be released and taken up by crops easily.

Integration of fast-functioning nutrients and slowly-functioning nutrients: This ensures feeding nutrients to crops in a continuous way.

Enriched with Secondary & Micro Nutrients:  Which ensures crops’ healthy growth, and good quality of the produce.

Improvement & activation of soil:  The product is acidic with a pH between 2.5 – 3.5, which may neutralize alkalinity and salinity of soil, so to improve the soil texture; in the same time it can activate the nutrients fixed in the soil so to enhance the efficiency of nutrients in soil.


It may be applied separately or with other granular nitrogen fertilizers and potassium fertilizers to formulate NPK complex fertilizers to feed balance nutrients mixed to crops.

It may be applied through furrow application or pit application or spread application, as either a base fertilizer or a top-dressing fertilizer.

When applied as a base fertilizer, the recommended application dosage is 375 up to 450 kilos per hectare. When applied as a top dressing fertilizer the dosage is 45Kg per hectare during crops’ seedling stage; 150Kg up to 225Kg during crops’ growing stage and fruit swelling stage.


Packed in 25Kg/ 50Kg/1000 Kg bags, or according to clients’ requirements. Store it at well-ventilated and dry places.



Total nutrients (N+P2O5)w/w%50.0 min
Total nitrogen (N)w/w %10.0 min
Total phosphorus (as P2O5)w/w%40.0 min
Portion of available P2O5 in total  P2O5w/w%80.0 min
Total secondary & micro nutrients(SO2+CaO+MgO+SiO2+Fe2O3)w/w %10.0 min
pH value (1% aqueous solution)-2.5-3.5



5.0 max


Contact us

Contact:Cherokee Luo

Mobile phone:0086 13508006169


Contact:Danny Wang

Mobile phone:0086 13778259109


Contact:Juliana Wang

Mobile phone:0086 15892788504


Factories Locations

Yunnan province : South area of Sifangdi Industrial Park, Dongchuan District, Kunming, Yunnan, China

Sichuan province : Hongqiao Village, Yinfeng Town, Shifang City, Sichuan Province, P.R.China 618400

Guangxi Province : Rongmujinag Rd. NO.53, Port Zone , Fangcheng City, Guangxi Province, China

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